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God's Word Collectibles Blog and Podcast

Sunday, May 17, 2009

INSPIRATIONS_0030 Having a bad day or week? Is it the Devil or just life?

INSPIRATIONS_0030 Having a bad day or week? Is it the Devil or just life?

Do you feel you are having a bad day or week, is everything going wrong? Chris talks about a run of bad events after her wedding. Is it the devil or just life? The three hosts discuss how to get through those difficulties, how to make it through trials and tribulations. How can you be content in these difficult times and how can you help others who are going through something

Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon and Christina Diliberto and Barbara Ingersoll

Listening time approximately 33.34 minutes

Mother’s Day brings many different things to many different people. Yes, for most people it is happy, but what about those who have lost their parent or child? What about those who no longer have a relationship with their child or parent, how do you get past that? The women share their experiences and how to work through some of the difficulties of Mother’s Day.

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You will have to turn your volume up to hear this podcast. We are sorry for this technical difficulty, we are aware of it and hope to have this technical problem fixed in up and coming podcasts. Don't forget to turn your volume down after listening.

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